Our facilities include a shop, cafe, adventure playground, toilets and coach parking. There is plenty of outdoor space to use in the grounds and a fenced picnic area outside the Visitor Centre. NEW for 2013/14 we will have a dedicated indoor learning space available for you during your visit, plus our fantastic Victorian Conservatory to explore.
Planning your visit
Free pre-visits are available for teachers thinking of booking with us. These visits will be supported by a member of our Learning team. This gives you an opportunity to visit the estate, to plan your activities and assess the suitability of the site for your group.
Our team can also visit your school to deliver a free outreach session prior to your trip. These visits last up to one hour and can include a wide range of activities e.g. preparation for bug hunting, literacy tasks linked to your visit, exploring a school nature site to compare it with the Gardens.
Prices for 2013
Visits are charged at £3 per child and are led by a member of our Learning team. In each case, we allow 1 free adult place for:
- Every 4 Nursery pupils
- Every 5 reception and KS1 pupils
- Every 15 KS2 pupils
- Every 20 KS3/4 pupils
Other accompanying adults are charged at full admission price.
Making your booking
To make a booking please contact our us on 01226 77604, email us at heritagetrust@wentworthcastle.org, or dowload a booking form. We will check availability before you make detailed plans and book your transport. All schools are invoiced post-visit to ensure that numbers are correct before billing.
On the Day
Students will need to bring any equipment such as clipboards, pens and pencils, packed lunch and appropriate outdoor clothing. We recommend all students bring a bottle of water in addition to their usual drink, and wear layers to help cope with variations in temperature. Hats and sun cream are strongly recommended for warmer days.