As the last few petals appear on the spring flowering plants, there is now a distinct feel of early summer to the Gardens . The gardeners have been busy in the last two weeks taking out the spring bedding, digging well rotted manure into the soil and planting out the summer bedding plants which this year includes Begonias and Bananas. The Fernery and Stumpery is now coming into it’s own as the plants begin to bulk up. The Tree Ferns, Dicksonia antarctica and fibrosa look terrific in the dappled light under the tree canopy. The large leaves of the Hostas make a perfect contrast to the fronds of the ferns, whilst the tall Bamboo adds another dimension to the area. Our associated Stumpery is built from hardwood roots collected from across the estate. Originally a Victorian concept, Stumperies are often associated with Ferneries, coinciding with the import into this country of many fern species from around the world. The stumps look lovely covered in mosses and lichens and have become a wonderful habitat for wildlife. This is a peaceful spot to sit for a while and listen to the birdsong. In the area between the Fernery and Wilderness, look out for the Candelabra Primulas. These plants originate from the hillsides of China, their 60cm (2ft) high rosettes adding a wonderful splash of colour to the area. Now available in many varieties, they have become a firm favourite with gardeners and are best planted in groups in damp, shady areas of woodland. In the Union Jack Garden, the roses and Mexican Orange Blossom are now coming into bloom, their wonderful scents permeating the warm evening air.