June is the month the fallow deer have their calves and the first wobbly youngsters have been spotted in the parkland. The does will leave the fawns in the long grass whilst they graze but will be keeping a watchful eye from a distance. Please remember that dogs must be kept on a short lead - as a playful dog is easily interpreted as a “hunter” by the livestock.
The intermittent downpours that we have had in the last few weeks mean that shaded paths are still quite muddy, but in areas where the sun reaches the woodland floor all paths are starting to dry out nicely - a big improvement on winter walking conditions!
We’ve got some great events coming up over the summer and autumn in the parkland - cross country runs, a sponsored twighlight walk with the Hospice and Fungal Foray to name a few. Keep an eye on Events pages for all the latest details.
Until next month…